One of the most beautiful and useful trees in the world. Fruits of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera Linn.) – has been a great source of versatility, due to its continuous production, the coconut is readily available all year round, its provides food, drink, clothing and shelter, as well as income from its products since long-long ago. Many cultures consider the coconut tree ‘the tree of life’. Grown in about 90 humid tropics & subtropics countries with almost 12 million hectares which is almost 6 million tons in oil equivalent in total (as recorded on 2000). More than 80 million people depend directly on coconut and its processing for their livelihood also supplies raw materials to number of industries intimately connected with domestic as well as economic life.

Long healthy lived palm-tree living generally to an age of about 80 to 100 years old. Well grown up to an altitude of 3,000 feet above the sea level. It is fairly resistant to diseases and pests with it’s natural phythonutrients.

First recorded coconut sighting was from Costas, an Egyptian traveler in the 5th century, A.D. He wrote about finding an “Indian nut. In the 9th century there are more reports of coconuts being used in China to make fibers in the market. Marco Polo referred to coconuts as “nux indica” in the year 1280. Finally in the 1700s, the Portuguese gave the coconut the name it uses today.

A Journey Through Time, the coconut tree provides so many different pieces to the culture and daily living in countries where coconuts are native. People who live in places where coconuts naturally occur have been reaping the benefits of coconut oil & it’s blossom sap/nectar for centuries as a source of food, drinks and medicine.

Coconut oil & the sap/nectar is an important part of Ayurvedic medicine, an “alternative” medical practice that is said to be 5000 years old. This method of healing claims to be the traditional medicine of India. Widely used by people of diverse cultures around as medicine to be given in whatever type of illness, protect from illness, to speed recovery from sickness, healing of burns, cuts, bruises, and broken bones, aching joints and muscles. As a remedy for sickness and injury, for child strong bones and healthy skin free from infections and blemishes. Also on hair keeps it shiny, thick and black as well as for good skin.

Modern medical science has discovered that coconut oil can actually protect against heart disease, diabetes, cancers, liver and kidney diseases, osteoporosis, dental decay and skin infections. It also relieves symptoms associated with illnesses like pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic inflammation, prostate enlargement, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers, constipation, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.


COCONUT’S BLOSSOM SAP/NECTAR, the highly nutrient-rich sap that exudes from the blossom/the flower bud stem of the coconut. It’s highly rich in 17 Amino acid (with all the 9 essentials) also minerals, inulin/dietary fiber & vitamins. They too possess important phytonutrients, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

Phytonutrients play an important protective role against the development of heart disease, stroke, chronic degenerative diseases, cancer prevention by causing cancer cell to die (apoptosis), repairing DNA damage & many more including neutralizing & removing free redicals from the bloodstream.

This important 9 Essential Amino acid from it’s total 17 available in coconut sap/nectar which our healthy body can’t produced them and required outsource/intake from outside. They are absolutely essential for every metabolic process including important task of optimal transport  & storage of all nutrients in our body.  The majority of health issues such as obesity, high-cholesterol levels, diabetes, insomnia, erectile dysfunction or arthritis can essentially be traced back to metabolic disturbances. This also causes to hair loss and serious cases of wrinkle formation.

The Amino acids is crucial for nearly all physiological functions, as a building blocks for protein making skeletal tissues, cells, organs and muscles that allow our bodies to grow, repair tissue, break down food, and perform many other essential biological processes.

Coconut sap/nectar also contents high polysaccharide inulin, a prebiotic fiber together with it’s prebiotics Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) that aids in the process of digestion, cleanse and increase the immunity & healthy microflora in our intestines which linked to the good digestive, bowel, gut, gastrointestinal, heart & metabolic health.

With it’s good content on minerals with wide spectrum of  B vitamins, vitamin C, in addition especially rich in inositol, which is known to be helpful for inflammation, high cholesterol, insomnia, cancer, diabetes as well as depression.

On top of providing the above important health benefits, it’s also provide an alternative healthy sweetener with it’s nature of low in both Glucose & Fructose which is low in Glycemic Index (GI), a diabetic friendly sweetener.

COCONUT’S FATS / OIL  appears to be a super food with a multitude of nutritional and medicinal uses. Its regarded as world No.1 healthiest oil.
Approximate 92% predominantly composed of stable saturated fatty acids & its unique contains the highest (above 62%) medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) which almost half of that was rare good type 12-carbon Lauric acid, one of the major component in human breast milk. The monolaurin of the Lauric acid is a great immune system booster and destroys harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and funguses.

It’s predominant MCFA boost beneficial HDL/good cholesterol ratio where this prevent & decreases your risk of disease including atherosclerosis & cardiovascular disease. This MCFA was easy digest & rapidly metabolism in the liver converted into energy instead of being stored as fat in the body. This provide efficient energy & aid in healthy weight, helping balance hormones, improving insulin sensitivity, stabilizing blood sugar as well as helps prevent, manage and treat Alzheimer’s.


COCONUT’S WATER  pH level is similar to human blood’s level and its salt content resembles that in human cells, it can even be used for infusions in emergencies.


*Continuously consuming whole & natural foods in our diet give us optimal health.